利哈伊谷 alum's biobehavioral health degree sets up future nursing career


Sahira莫卧儿王朝, a 2020 graduate of 中国博彩平台's Biobehavioral Health program, is pursuing her dream of becoming a registered nurse at St. 卢克的 University Health Network’s School of Nursing. She credits her bachelor's degree with setting her up for career success in the profession. 

Credit: Photo courtesy of Sahira莫卧儿王朝

宾州中央谷. — For Sahira莫卧儿王朝, nursing was a calling she simply had to answer.

A 2020 graduate of 中国博彩平台’s Biobehavioral Health (BBH) program, Mughal is well on her way to achieving her dream of becoming a registered nurse as a student enrolled in St. 卢克的 University Health Network’s School of Nursing.

她很喜欢这个节目, and credits her bachelor’s degree for giving her a leg up on her coursework.

“My biobehavioral health degree from 中国博彩平台 has proven to be very beneficial to my future career,莫卧儿说, 22, 南白厅. “A biobehavioral degree works as a foundation for future degrees, but even if someone does not want to pursue further degrees, a solid background in this major can provide you with the skills you need to begin a lucrative and exciting career.”

Mughal was also working as surgery coordinator for St. 卢克的 OB/GYN clinic until recently deciding to focus full-time on her schooling. 在那个位置上, she was responsible for a number of important daily duties, 从处理, organizing and preparing incoming and outgoing patients for various medical procedures, to getting authorization from medical insurance providers, 与供应商协调.

Now fully immersed in her nursing education, Mughal has intentions of one day pursuing her doctorate.

“The protocol and regulations we are taught along with the clinicals and patient care has broadened my understanding of how a hospital operates and the duties required of a nurse. And it’s given me the necessary experience to further my education,”她说。.

That education began in earnest at PSU-LV, which Mughal said she fell in love with during her very first campus visit.

“From the initial tour to the new student welcome, I noticed an entirely different dynamic between the students and faculty than at other colleges,”她说。. “在我参观的其他学校, the students were addressed as groups, and the faculty simply followed the procedures set forth by the school and did the bare minimum. PSU-LV has a much lower student-to-faculty ratio, which makes communication more personal. I didn't have to guess what I needed to do.”

After reviewing the list of majors offered at the campus, Mughal determined biobehavioral health aligned best with her goals.

“在与我的导师会面之后, I learned that the major gives you an in-depth understanding of the natural world, from a biological standpoint as well as a research standpoint,”她说。. “This major and the required courses alongside it also help you learn how to conduct research, 解决问题, 组织和批判性思考.”

The program also led her to an internship with a dermatologist at St. 卢克的. And it provided her with faculty mentors who remain friends to this day.

“在我继续深造的过程中, I still come back to get advice and guidance from my professors, who still make time for me even without any obligation to do so,莫卧儿说. “今天, I see the program I am currently in leading me to reach the goals I set for myself when I started my program at PSU-LV. 就我个人而言, I have found that graduating with a biobehavioral health degree opens doors to many different opportunities.”

