Student scholarship on display at 利哈伊谷 Undergraduate Research Symposium

Students present research to faculty member

中国博彩平台 student Rory Rafferty, 左, explains her and fellow student Ali Naqvi's research project to Associate Teaching Professor of Psychology Kevin Kelley at the campus' annual Undergraduate Research Symposium, 4月4日至8日举行. 


宾州中央谷. – 中国博彩平台 once again demonstrated its deep commitment to student scholarship at the campus' annual Undergraduate Research Symposium, 4月4日至8日举行.

After going virtual last year due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the symposium returned to its traditional in-person format. 今年, there were six poster presentations in the areas of STEM and arts, 人文学科, 业务, 以及社会和行为科学.

研讨会于周五结束。, 4月8日, with the student groups presenting their research to the campus community, 还有家人和朋友. 教师 and staff judges awarded first-place prizes to four presentations, and the day also included an engaging keynote speech by Penn State Schuylkill Associate Professor of Psychology and Interim Director of 学术事务 Cory Scherer, 谁来做演讲的?, “Sex Differences in Jealousy: An Undergraduate Research Tale.”

校长蒂娜·Q. Richardson praised the students for putting so much time and energy into their respective projects, all of which were conducted with the assistance of faculty mentors.

“As chancellor, few people get to know how much I love research. 当我还是教员的时候, 我一直从事研究工作, but now I get to support research in all of its forms,理查森说. 给你们这些学生, 本科研究 allows you to scratch the itch of your intellectual curiosity and see where it goes. You get to be on the forefront of expanding your knowledge, and I find that very exciting. And I hope you can take that passion with you at every step of your journey.”


  • 茎: “Investigation of Support Options Not Included in Transverse Beam Loading Simulation”: student presenters, 托比领域, Ethan Davies and Fouad Awwad; faculty mentor, 特蕾西Carbonetto.
  • 艺术: “Invasive Species: The Importance of Scientific Illustrations”: student presenter, Delilah Jabbour; faculty mentor, 伊丽莎白费海提.
  • 人文、商业和社会 & 行为科学: “Let’s Talk About Sex Work”: student presenters, 汉娜•欧文, 画Bartos, 费尔南多·加顿·比多, Hailee Foster and Makayla Wilkins; faculty mentor, 大卫Livert.
  • 卓越的资讯素养: “Stress Effects on Memory for Social Content”: student presenters, Justin Lebon and 汉娜•欧文; faculty mentor, Livert.

The other poster presentations were:

  • “Investigating Heparin’s Ability to Reduce Stress Fiber Formation in Endothelial Cells Exposed to TNF-a”: student presenters, Ali Naqvi and Rory Rafferty; faculty mentor, 杰奎琳·麦克劳克林.
  • “Does Depression and/or Anxiety Have an Impact on College Students’ Academic Performance?”: student presenter, Samantha Meeker; faculty mentor, Teri Kistler.

“所有的海报都是惊人的, so it wasn’t easy at all for the judges,麦克劳克林说, who served on this year’s Undergraduate Research Committee with faculty members Todd Retzlaff, 妮可·瑞尔森和杰弗里·斯通.

赢或输, students stressed the satisfaction they took in pursuing and completing their research projects.

“I like that you can take your own initiative and do a project that fits your own interests instead of what’s required in our classes,”勒庞说。, 心理学专业大四学生.

“这很有趣, 我很高兴我这么做了,米克尔补充道。, a senior rehabilitation and human services major. “It was a lot more work than I expected it to be, and it definitely takes a lot of dedication to do these research projects. But it’s going to give me a good foundation for graduate school.”
