Featured Courses

Bleak landscape with rock formations

Earth 101

Students will learn the difference between Hollywood portrayals and the reality of natural disasters.

Five women posing in front of a step and repeat banner

Communication Day 2017

Beth Michalec (right), instructor in corporate communication, coordinated the first-ever Communication Day 2017 held at the Lehigh Valley campus.

Two students reviewing a paper at a table

PHYS 212

Many summer classes will be offered this summer, including General Physics: Electricity and Magnetism 

conference in Ireland

Spring Break 2017 Ireland conference

Students on the Ireland Spring Break trip participated in "The Building Bridges Between Backyards" conference held at the University of Limerick. The keynote speech was given by Maria João Vargas-Moniz, Ph.D., from the ISPA Intituto Universitário in Lisbon, Portugal.